Our Story – Lavender Vines

Our Story

Lavender Vines was born out of a passion for creating memories and celebrating life's moments, both big and small. With creativity fueling our inspiration and genuine connection as our drive, we pour our hearts into every card we create, infusing them with a blend of sophistication, elegance, and playfulness that defines our brand.

But our story goes beyond the cards themselves. It's rooted in the belief that in this fast-paced and increasingly impersonal world, the intentionality of giving and receiving a heartfelt, tangible card holds immeasurable value. From birthdays to weddings, baby showers to sorrowful condolences, we've curated a collection of greeting cards that are designed to capture the essence of life’s treasured moments. 

We believe that every card tells a story – a story of love, friendship, resilience, or hope - and we’re honored to be the conveyer of how that story is shared.

​​Thank you for being a part of our story, as we get to be a part of yours. Together, let's continue to cherish the moments that last a lifetime.




I’d say I’m a creative entrepreneur at heart. I see the beauty in everything, with an over romanticized love for the arts that usually begin as a creative outlet, turned business venture. Lavender Vines was no different. 

I believe there is beauty in every season of life, and opening our hearts to friends and loved ones through the ebbs and flows of those seasons is one of the joys of life. I thought to myself, “What if I could create a card line that was beautifully designed, but spoke to the heart of the human experience - the good and the bad - the moments of celebration, but also the moments of disappointment and grief?” What if that could be a thing? 

One card at a time, that vision has become a reality. With every design, Ecclesiastes 3 has been my guide, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…for God has made everything beautiful in its time.”

Tiffany Catron


